Red Flashing Dot : Logitech RallyBar and RallyBar Mini

If you have Logitech devices and you have the latest version of CollabOS v1.13.119 then this firmware seems to have an issue with the reboot maintenance within the Teams application on the device, when this issue arises the device will end up in the state as below:

  • Red Flashing light on the Rally Bar or Rally Bar Mini
  • Tap controller screen will be white or display the camera controls

Logical troubleshooting provides fix!

It took a days of analyzing the team logs, these are not the logs on Logitech device - more so the device logs from Team Admin Centre (TAC) - if you spool through these logs you will notice that around the schedule time they appear to fall off the network, obviously, the default here is between 2 AM and 3 AM, I then noticed that after the devices attempted to reboot, they will go off-line in Logitech sync - when they are in the state they are completely unmanageable remotely.

I found the maintanance reboot setting and disabled it on a test number of devices, hey presto, the devices no longer fail.

I then suspected a problem with the firmware that had just been deployed a couple of days before the misbehavior started - upon logging a Logitech support ticket it appear that yes there was undocumented behavior with the firmware - which is also called a bug.

Fixing the undocumented behavior

In order to fix this issue while this is the current firmware that is available we will need to turn of this Teams maintenance reboot, so to complete that I will be using CollabOS Remote UI, you need to ensure Local Network Access (LNA) is enabled form the Logitech Sync portal, then let get going.

Start the session and login with the desired credentials to the LNA that will get you to this point, where we need to click the "Start Session" button:

This will then activate a remote session to the device as below, we need to focus on the "Tap" display which the lower of the two, click on that "Tap" display:

This menu will require the "More" option:

Then we need the setting options from this menu:

Then we need Device Settings as below:

Then we need Admin settings from this menu:

Then you need to under your uber secret password set during the setup process:

Then we need System from this menu:

The from here we need Service Provider and the option for "Teams Admin Settings"

Then we need General from this menu:

This will display the general settings, from here use the keyboard down arrow to get to the bottom (or you can try using the very slim scrollbar - good luck)

When you get to the bottom entry you will see Device Restart:

Toggle the slider to "off" as below so it should not be selected and the start and end should be blank as below:

That will now stop you meeting room devices from rebooting until the next firmware update that fixed this bug.
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