Teams : Stuck on “out of office”

The situation is, you have taken some Holiday (if you actually use your holiday) where you’ve been out of the office and you’ve had your out of office assistant enabled - however, once you return after your break, and you disable the out of office however the messaging application, Teams, fails to acknowledge your back in the office.

Teams fails to get the message?

Teams does not show your out of office message so it synchronize the fact that it’s been disabled - but Teams is hell-bent on telling you you’re out of the office even though many people probably would wish they were.

People remind you about the "out of office status"

Outlook does not flag you are "out the office" but when people chat to you, they regularly remind you that you are out of the office with a phrase like “Are you aware you’re out of office on Teams?”

Self remediation back fires

You try to set your status to Available, but that doesn’t work because you’re already Available, so you wonder if you turn the out of office mode on in Teams and then turn it back off again that might fix it....

Trying to fix it means you’ve been enabled out of office again?

Well, actually, no because when you choose "out of office in teams" this will start the process or enabling you actual "out of office" that will make it worse, then Outlook will start informing users of this fact, what do you do?

Is it possible to be Available twice?

You notice that you are Available, but you don’t want the additional "out of office" tag on the end of it, so you try all the other status options and then go back to available, which essentially means you’ve started Available and you’ve ended up Available though further forward?

What is this black magic going on here, well its not witchcraft at all.

Cause : Appointments are the problem here

If while you were on holiday and you received a meeting when you were out of the office, then Outlook being clever will automatically set that meeting to out of office.

Which means if that meeting extends beyond the end of your out of office, then from that meeting point of view, you are still out of the office though available

Teams were there to pick up the status and trying to help you notify other people that you could be out of the office, unfortunately, the status other people see does not reflect the could be out of the office but more you are out of the office

Review : Outlook meeting statuses

If you cannot remember the statuses of a meeting in Outlook, this is what they look like:

Please pay attention to the one on the bottom that says out of office….If you have a meeting sector this status teams, wall, detectives, and add on out of office to the end of your team status.

Find : Locate the “out of office” meeting

This is now the time to check your calendar during and after you’ve got back for meetings that have the status set to out of office.

They should be easy to spot because they should be colored in purple, let’s not also forget the status that says working elsewhere - this can also cause the same problem.

The Fix : Update your incorrectly classified meeting

Note : I would recommend using Outlook Web access for these operations because it’s quicker than Outlook - if you use the online version, you immediately cut out a slight Outlook lag.

Once you find a meeting with the wrong status, open it and change the status manually to free or busy, Once you make this change and click save your teams should almost instantaneously update to not share the out of office tag.

Once you find the meeting, right, click the meeting Then choose the option to show as and for example, set it to Busy as you can see below:

This will then immediately update your status to Available without the "out of office" as below:

You are now free from the "out of office" update and you can resume you normal operations.

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