Powershell : Report on people with no manager (and more)

I got asked the other day if I could query Active Directory for any user that does not have a manager and more interestingly I would need to report who the managers were for all the people in a certain OU.

This did not concern privileged accounts or any service accounts, but any accounts created in the "Users" OU which here will be called "Employees"

I also need to exclude on OU from this script and I require a couple of CSV files to be exported for analytical purposes.

Script : GlobalManagerCheck.ps1

# Define whether to export to CSV
$exportToCsv = $true  # Set to $false if you don't want to export

# Define the paths for the CSV files (optional)
$nullManagerCsvPath = "NoManagerReport.csv"
$allUsersCsvPath = "AllManagers.csv"

# Define the base OU to search
$baseOU = "OU=Employees,DC=bear,DC=local"

# Define the OU to exclude
$excludeOU = "OU=BlitzedEmployees,OU=Employyes,DC=bear,DC=local"

# Search for all users in the base OU
$allUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase $baseOU -Property DisplayName, SamAccountName, Manager, DistinguishedName

# Exclude users in the 'Deleted Accounts' OU
$filteredUsers = $allUsers | Where-Object { $_.DistinguishedName -notlike "*$excludeOU*" }

# Filter users who have a null manager
$usersWithoutManager = $filteredUsers | Where-Object { -not $_.Manager }

# Report on users with a null manager
$usersWithoutManagerCount = $usersWithoutManager.Count
Write-Host "`nUsers with a null manager ($usersWithoutManagerCount):"
$nullManagerReport = $usersWithoutManager | Select-Object SamAccountName, DisplayName
$nullManagerReport | Format-Table -AutoSize

# Report on all users and their managers
$allUsersCount = $filteredUsers.Count
Write-Host "`nAll users and their managers ($allUsersCount):"
$allUsersReport = $filteredUsers | Select-Object SamAccountName, DisplayName, @{Name="Manager";Expression={(Get-ADUser $_.Manager -Property DisplayName).DisplayName}}
$allUsersReport | Format-Table -AutoSize

# CSV Export

if ($exportToCsv) {
   Write-Host "`nExporting reports to CSV..."
    $nullManagerReport | Export-Csv -Path $nullManagerCsvPath -NoTypeInformation
    $allUsersReport | Export-Csv -Path $allUsersCsvPath -NoTypeInformation
    Write-Host "CSV export completed. Files saved to:"
    Write-Host " - Null Manager Report: $nullManagerCsvPath"
    Write-Host " - All Users Report: $allUsersCsvPath"

# Output count of each list
Write-Host "`nSummary:"
Write-Host "Total users found (excluding '$excludeOU'): $allUsersCount"
Write-Host "Total users without a manager: $usersWithoutManagerCount"

When this script it run it should look like this, depending on the size of your Active Directory will depend on how long the report takes to complete.

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