This is article the power of CSS, for the uninitiated that will be cascading style sheets - generally this is what gives the site its style and graphical attributes however you can do quite a bit more than that, especially if you’re using CSS3….
I have used this before and it works Very well, the intended purposes, Let’s say, do you have a requirement to disable every single link on your website immediately - You could go through oil code and remove all the HTML tags, but that would take quite a bit of time, if your website has a CSS template then you can use this:
/* Disable pointer events on all anchor tags */
a {
pointer-events: none;
cursor: default
color: gray; /* Optional: Change color to indicate the link is disabled */
text-decoration: none; /* Optional: Remove underline to indicate the link is disabled */
/* Optional: Update styles to make disabled links more obvious */
a:hover {
color: gray;
text-decoration: none;