Remote Desktop License Mode

If you have the remote session host installed, and do not have a deployment group then when it comes to settings the "licensing mode" and the "licensing server" you get errors in the Powershell commands - due to the fact that you have not deployed a server deployment.

In some cases, this is not required therefore this is now how you fix this issue, first start the Registry Editor and navigate to this path:

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\RCM\Licensing Core\LicensingMode

You then need to update the key "Licensing Mode" to the value to 2 for "Per Device" or 4 for "Per User"

Then you need to navigate to this key:


And add the key type REG-MULTI_SZ and call it SpecifiedLicenseServers, add the FQDN to this entry

You are all done.
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