99.9026% Web Server Uptime....

Uptime Report for: MoonServer1
Current OS: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2, Service Pack 2, Multiprocessor Free.
Time Zone: GMT Daylight Time
System Events as of 04/10/2008 19:31:29:
Date: Time: Event: Comment:
---------- ----------- ------------------- -----------------------------------
10/07/2008 18:27:54 Boot
10/07/2008 17:52:41 Shutdown
10/07/2008 17:53:22 Boot
10/07/2008 18:07:31 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:14m:9s
10/07/2008 18:08:06 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:0m:35s
10/07/2008 18:20:32 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:12m:26s
10/07/2008 18:22:44 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:2m:12s
10/07/2008 20:30:12 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 2h:7m:28s
10/07/2008 20:30:49 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:0m:37s
13/07/2008 14:18:40 Shutdown Prior uptime:2d 17h:47m:51s
13/07/2008 14:19:36 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:0m:56s
21/07/2008 20:37:28 Shutdown Prior uptime:8d 6h:17m:52s
21/07/2008 20:38:17 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:0m:49s
23/07/2008 07:03:09 Shutdown Prior uptime:1d 10h:24m:52s
23/07/2008 07:04:05 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:0m:56s
24/07/2008 20:12:13 Shutdown Prior uptime:1d 13h:8m:8s
24/07/2008 20:15:38 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:3m:25s
28/07/2008 20:10:03 Shutdown Prior uptime:3d 23h:54m:25s
28/07/2008 21:59:47 Boot Prior downtime:0d 1h:49m:44s
28/09/2008 11:12:26 Shutdown Prior uptime:61d 13h:12m:39s
28/09/2008 11:13:04 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:0m:38s
28/09/2008 11:46:46 Shutdown Prior uptime:0d 0h:33m:42s
28/09/2008 11:47:34 Boot Prior downtime:0d 0h:0m:48s
Current System Uptime: 6 day(s), 7 hour(s), 44 minute(s), 18 second(s)

Since 10/07/2008:
Total Reboots: 12
Mean Time Between Reboots: 7.17 days
Total Bluescreens: 0

Since 10/07/2008:
System Availability: 99.9026%
Total Uptime: 85d 23h:37m:27s
Total Downtime: 0d 2h:0m:40s
Total Reboots: 11
Mean Time Between Reboots: 7.82 days
Total Bluescreens: 0
10/07/2008 is the earliest date in the event log where
sufficient information is recorded to calculate availability.
If you want to perform these diagnostics then you can use the command "uptime /s" for full stats as shown above!
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