Got an issue with your IT hardware or software......well log the issue on my helpdesk system and get a ticket number and live live updates for your tickets....
Submit a New Ticket!
Please note that the priority of the call will not affect the response time as obviously everyone will use "High" also Apple issues are not supported via this system, if you submit an Apple issue it will automatically be resolved!
Please ensure you also select the correct topic otherwise your call will be rejected.....and finally valid calls only.....if not your IP address will be declined........
Submit a New Ticket!
Please note that the priority of the call will not affect the response time as obviously everyone will use "High" also Apple issues are not supported via this system, if you submit an Apple issue it will automatically be resolved!
Please ensure you also select the correct topic otherwise your call will be rejected.....and finally valid calls only.....if not your IP address will be declined........